Ansar Islamic Organization (AIO) is a local
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) duly regis tered and operating in Kenya. AIO was formed by brothers who live within the informal settlements with the aim of helping their disadvantaged broth ers and sisters in the society.
AIO operates mainly within the informal settle
ments in Nairobi County and we are planning to
expand to other informal settlements within other counties in the near future. Our office is located at Mareba Mosque in Lunga Lunga.
donate naow
Contributing is very EASY!
1- Go to M-pesa Menu and select “Pay Bill”
2- Enter business number 876527
3- Enter the Account (Your name/ ID number)
4- Key in the amount you want to contribute
5- Enter your M-pesa Pin and Click OK
6- Recieve confirmation SMS and verify transaction details.